About IC

If you are reading this at all, welcome to my obscure corner of the web.  I am some random anonymous critter off the internet that loves gaming and BLT sandwiches but also have a need to start investing some coinage in real life.  To motivate myself to invest more seriously, I thought I'd think things through on this blog.

I am not a financial advisor but I am also not a lobster baguette.
The blog is titled Imaginary Coins as I have an absolute wealth of game coinage (septims,caps,gold,crowns,groschens), some of it well earned the hard way through archery, bloody melee combat, smithing, farming and other grindy tasks. But some of my gaming fortunes are ill-gotten through glitches. My husband asked me if I could somehow convert this know-how into real world earnings.   It's not quite the same but the mental energy spent on learning game mechanics and strategy could be applied to learning about investing.

Nothing here is meant to be advice for anyone else and in the best case scenario I may entertain you.  I realize in my journey of investment learning, it's good to cast as wide of a net of opinions as possible and I am just one fringe point that gaps far from general financial media.  I'm not peddling anything and probably couldn't have sponsorship being a general grump.

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